Litecoin 구매에 대한 모든 것을 배우세요
오늘(24시간) Litecoin의 가격$117.27-9.93%Litecoin 오프 거래소 (OTC)에서 구매
스팟 시장에서 Litecoin 구매
Litecoin을(를) 직접 구매하는 것 외에도, Litecoin을(를) 얻는 대체 방법은 무엇입니까?
Litecoin이(가) 이번 주 하락했습니다.
Litecoin의 가격은 지난 7일간 14% 상승했습니다. 지난 24시간 동안 -9.93% 하락하였으며, 지난 1시간 동안 1.85% 상승했습니다. 현재 가격은 $117.27입니다. Litecoin은 역대 최고가 $401.08에서 하락 -70.76% 하락했습니다.
Litecoin 지금 구매해당 연도의 평균 Litecoin 가격을 기준으로 수익률이 계산됩니다. 금융 상담이 아님을 유념하십시오.
다른 사용자가 LTC을(를) 구매하고 있는지 확인해 보세요:
Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest cryptocurrencies in existence after Bitcoin, having launched in October 2011. It was developed by Charlie Lee, who remains involved with the coin to this day. Litecoin is a codebase fork of Bitcoin which means it doesn't share any history or connection to the Bitcoin genesis block. As a fork, it has many similar characteristics to Bitcoin, but has opted for shorter block generations times of around 2.5 minutes. This allows transactions to be added to the blockchain sooner. Because of the decreased block generation time, it quadrupled its base supply to 84 million to compensate for the inflation rate. Currently, Litecoin has lower transaction fees than Bitcoin and can be used as a digital currency on the web to pay for goods and services and to play at crypto casinos. The value of Litecoin has grown significantly, and the currency¡¯s market cap now exceeds $4 billion. Part of Litecoin¡¯s surge in popularity in 2017 has been attributed to the currency being able to adopt and test a number of new features before Bitcoin, such as Segregated Witness and the Lightning Network, technology which allows the network to process more transactions.